#TopTen #Snippet #Giveaway: 'A Devil In Hong Kong' by David Harris Lang

Top Ten List
- Being out in nature hiking.
- Snorkelling in water so clear it is like it is not there.
- Fishing. Don't even have to be catching, I am happy even with a line in the water.
- Cooking with my daughters.
- Wrestling with my dog.
- Writing a chapter and having no idea where the ideas came from, feeling like I am channeling some writing muse.
- Exploring exotic places and ancient architecture.
- Communicating successfully in a language other than my native tongue.
- Slipping a jab.
- Being warm under the covers when it is storming outside.
“Entry fee is $200.00, Scott. Don’t have the bones.” Carl said as he reached into a crumpled, grease-stained paper bag and pulled out a French fry.
